Displaying results 1 - 19 of 19.
ICD-10 Each Cause List
This document presents the ICD-10 valid underlying codes. The list provides ICD-10 codes and associated cause-of-death titles for the most detailed listing of causes of death.
This material is provided by NCHS which is a subunit of CDC/ATSDR. It has been cleared for distribution by CDC/ATSDR and will be authentic if gotten from CDC/ATSDR takes all effort to assure the authenticity of electronically distributed documents. However, in all instances where the electronic and official agency record differ, the authenticity of the official agency record is controlling. More...
[ Glossary Builder: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS),
No. of Definitions: 9,272 ]
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NATO AAP6 (2004)
NATO GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) GLOSSAIRE OTAN DE TERMES ET DÉFINITIONS (ANGLAIS ET FRANÇAIS) Listing terms of military significance and their definitions for use in NATO, together with an index of NATO Agreed Documents containing Specialist Terms and Definitions. Liste de termes et définitions d'importance militaire à l'usage de l'OTAN, accompagnée d'un répertoire des documents agréés OTAN contenant des termes techniques et leurs définitions.
[ Glossary Builder: Chris Holman,
No. of Definitions: 6,319 ]
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International Relations and Security Acronyms
Acronyms on International Relations and Security
Sources amongst others:
NATO Handbook: Appendix 7 - Abbreviations in Common Use More...
Sources amongst others:
NATO Handbook: Appendix 7 - Abbreviations in Common Use More...
[ Glossary Builder: Hans Johnsson,
No. of Definitions: 6,158 ]
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NATO Acronyms
Summary of NATO Acronyms mainly related to Air Operations.
[ Glossary Builder: Marcus Levy Swiss Air Force,
No. of Definitions: 1,775 ]
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Glossar für 'Inclusive Education' des EU Projektes INTEGER - dtsch.-engl. (engl.-dtsch.) Dieses Glossar wurde aus EU Mitteln (Sokrates) mitfinanziert und darf nur (und soll) ohne jegliche Kosten weitergegeben werden. This glossary has been partly spent by the EU and is only allowed to be (and should be) freely forwarded.
[ Glossary Builder: G.Bintinger/P.Rödler INTEGER,
No. of Definitions: 594 ]
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European Commission Glossary of Justice and home affairs
This Glossary contains legal words, phrases and acronyms
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 516 ]
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EU Glossar für Justiz und Inneres
Dieses Glossar der Europäischen Kommission Justiz und Inneres gibt einen hervorragenden Überblick über die Grundrechte und Grundprinzipien der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und der Europäischen Union.
Der Großteil der Definitionen beinhaltet Links zu weiterführenden Artikel auf der Web-Seite der Generaldirektion für Justiz, Freiheit und Sicherheit der Europäischen Kommission, deren Aufgabe es ist, die Europäische Union als einen Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts mitzugestalten. More...
Der Großteil der Definitionen beinhaltet Links zu weiterführenden Artikel auf der Web-Seite der Generaldirektion für Justiz, Freiheit und Sicherheit der Europäischen Kommission, deren Aufgabe es ist, die Europäische Union als einen Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts mitzugestalten. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Europäische Gemeinschaften,
No. of Definitions: 499 ]
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Glossary of the European Information Society
This glossary contains words, abbreviations and acronyms providing easy and effective access to information regarding policies and activities of the EU
[ Glossary Builder: European Information Society,
No. of Definitions: 275 ]
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UNODC Money-Laundering Terms
In today's global economy, organized crime groups generate huge sums of money by drug trafficking, arms smuggling and financial crime. Criminals who wish to benefit from the proceeds of large-scale crime have to disguise their illegal profits without compromising themselves. This process is known as money laundering. This glossary by the UNODC introduces you to the basic money-laundering terms.
[ Glossary Builder: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
No. of Definitions: 236 ]
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EU Dutch Glossary
Onderstaand glossarium bevat termen die verband houden met de Europese integratie en de instellingen en activiteiten van de Europese Unie
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 219 ]
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EU Italian Glossary
Il glossario che segue contiene voci relative alla costruzione europea, alle istituzioni e alle attività dell'Unione europea.
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 214 ]
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EU Spanish Glossary
Este glosario presenta términos relativos a la construcción europea, a las instituciones y a las actividades de la Unión Europea.
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 212 ]
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EU Finnish Glossary
Seuraavassa sanastossa on termiä, jotka liittyvät Euroopan rakentamiseen ja Euroopan unionin toimielimiin ja toimintaan
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 212 ]
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EU English Glossary
This glossary contains terms relating to European integration and the institutions and activities of the EU.
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 212 ]
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EU German Glossary
Das nachstehende Glossar enthält Begriffe zum europäischen Einigungswerk sowie zu den Organen und Tätigkeitsbereichen der Europäischen Union
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 212 ]
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EU French Glossary
Le glossaire présente des termes relatifs à la construction européenne, aux institutions et activités de l'Union européenne.
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 212 ]
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EU Portuguese Glossary
O glossário a seguir apresentado inclui termos relativos à construção europeia e às instituições e actividades da União Europeia
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 212 ]
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EU Swedish Glossary
I ordlistan här nedan finns EU-termer samt Europeiska unionens institutioner och verksamhet.
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 212 ]
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EU Danish Glossary
Nedenstående glossar indeholdertermer vedrørende det europæiske samarbejde, EU-institutionerne og EU-aktiviteterne.
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 210 ]
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