Displaying results 1 - 30 of 49.
Diccionario Inglés-Español (v.80) complementario de Babylon, con frases y palabras compuestas provenientes de muchos y variados campos: general, arquitectura, botánica, jardinería, filosofía, religión, argot, etnología, mitología, ecología, biología, matemáticas, yoga, tai qi, autoayuda, anatomía, fisiología, medicina, oftalmología, medio ambiente, ictiología, zoología, entomología, náutica, economía, música, orografía, geografía, montañismo, alimentación, textil, mecánica...
[ Glossary Builder: Miguel Portillo,
No. of Definitions: 32,525 ]
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Lunfardo (Argentina)
Repertorio de voces y modismos populares de Buenos Aires; en los comienzos, de carácter inmigratorio, que al circular en los estratos bajos de la sociedad se enriqueció con aportes autóctonos y algunos de cuyos elementos se incorporaron al habla común de la ciudad de origen y su zona de influencia cultural.
[ Glossary Builder: Salvador Maiorano,
No. of Definitions: 14,301 ]
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English-Russian idioms, expressions, meaningful prepositions, postpositions etc.
[ Glossary Builder: NB,
No. of Definitions: 9,390 ]
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Australian Slang
Explanation in English of some specific Australian words and expressions.
[ Glossary Builder: N.B.,
No. of Definitions: 9,142 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: FEHMI DOGAN,
No. of Definitions: 8,153 ]
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Te Reo
Maori-English and English-Maori Bi-directional Dictionary
[ Glossary Builder: Bill,
No. of Definitions: 7,426 ]
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English Idioms WM 1.3a
Wayne Magnuson English Idioms, Sayings and Slang Version: 1.3a (In this version of the glossary, internal links have been fixed, typos have been corrected, definitions have been revised and simplified, and alternate forms of the entries have been included in.)
[ Glossary Builder: The Ladybug Team,
No. of Definitions: 6,661 ]
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maritime,shipping,international trade,nautical definitions&abbreviations
[ Glossary Builder: fehmi dogan,
No. of Definitions: 6,482 ]
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DicFrases es más que un glosario, es todo un asistente ESPAÑOL -> INGLÉS ->ESPAÑOL. Miles de frases traducidas accesadas por decenas de miles de palabras claves, con notas y algo de gramática, convierten a DicFrases en el asistente indispensable. Además el único glosario con menús que nos permiten consultar por tema, ¡Es increíble!
[ Glossary Builder: Juan Fájer Cruz,
No. of Definitions: 3,731 ]
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Technical English by wpv
Compilation of a lot of important technical words, that you don´t usually find in generic dictionary. Mainly for Mechanical and Electrical Eng.
[ Glossary Builder: Walter Perez,
No. of Definitions: 2,929 ]
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English Slang Dictionary v1.2
This is the best slang dictionary with more than 2500 widely used words in it.
[ Glossary Builder: Aytuð Seyrek,
No. of Definitions: 2,848 ]
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Diccionario de Lunfardo
Diccionario de términos lunfardos. - Con la contribución de Adrián Ruiz
[ Glossary Builder: Alejandro Argañaraz,
No. of Definitions: 2,702 ]
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Subsidiary English-Russian Dictionary
Contains some words and phrases that aren't included in other Babylon dictionaries. Besides, it contains lots of abbreviations.
[ Glossary Builder: Natalya Belinsky,
No. of Definitions: 1,879 ]
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Everyday Yiddish-English-Yiddish Glossary
To start from scratch. In memory of my Zayde und Bobe, Shlomo and Sheina Mezhibovsky. The glossary sources are http://jewishwebindex.com/yiddish_dictionary.htm, http://www.yiddishdictionaryonline.com/, http://www.koshernosh.com/dictiona.htm, http://www.pass.to/glossary/Default.htm, http://www.notam02.no/~hcholm/altlang/ht/Yiddish.html, http://www.bubbygram.com/yiddishglossary.htm, http://www.tricityjcc.org/resources/arts/yiddish_2.html, etc.
[ Glossary Builder: NB,
No. of Definitions: 1,758 ]
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The Phrase Finder
1000 English sayings, phrases and idioms at your fingertips. Whether you want to resolve a friendly argument over how a saying or phrase originated or whether you just enjoy words, you'll probably find something here to interest you.
[ Glossary Builder: http://www.phrases.org.uk,
No. of Definitions: 1,002 ]
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Brazilian Slang and Expression
Dictionary of Brazilian slangs and expressions, including cultural and historic information.
[ Glossary Builder: Jessica Krünig,
No. of Definitions: 980 ]
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rhyming slang
cockney rhyming slang [slang to english]
[ Glossary Builder: marc,
No. of Definitions: 833 ]
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Idiomi e Proverbi - English Italian
Un piccolo elenco di frasi idiomatiche, modi di dire e proverbi. Dall'Inglese all'Italiano. - Here a little glossary of English idioms and proverbs. From English to Italian.
[ Glossary Builder: Renato Jemma,
No. of Definitions: 776 ]
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Glosario de Nicaraguanismos
Un glosario siempre en construcción de términos propios del habla nicaragüense.
[ Glossary Builder: Nicas en Internet,
No. of Definitions: 727 ]
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London Slang
Glossary containing terms related to London slang.
[ Glossary Builder: Rob,
No. of Definitions: 642 ]
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Everyday English and Slang in Ireland
A comprehensive dictionary of contemporary Irish Slang
[ Glossary Builder: Gerry Coughlan,
No. of Definitions: 542 ]
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Lexicon of Thieves' Cant
from: http://www.thievesguild.co.uk/cant.htm Based on the "Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit and Pickpocket Eloquence." Printed for C. Chappel of Pall-Mall, London in 1811, and based on the dictionary compiled by Captain Grose in 1785.
[ Glossary Builder: Shaun Hately,
No. of Definitions: 531 ]
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European Commission Glossary of Justice and home affairs
This Glossary contains legal words, phrases and acronyms
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission,
No. of Definitions: 516 ]
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Chinese idioms explained in English
This is a quick and very flexible cross-reference to Chinese Idioms. Search English words, and find Chinese idioms that match your specified word in topic, wording, meaning or use. Chinese characters are shown in GB-code an Chinese pronunciation is specified according to Mandarin Pinyin. Translations and use are specified in English. For more information: look up the word "chengyu" in this glossary! This glossary works best with Babylon Pro version 4.0 or newer.
[ Glossary Builder: Patrick Hassel-Zein,
No. of Definitions: 510 ]
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Sprache aus dem Münsterland. Eine Mischung aus Jiddisch und Rotwelsch. Um 1900 die Sprache der Pferdehändler. Zusammen getragen und zur freien Verwendung. Mehr Infos unter www.tron-net.de
[ Glossary Builder: Dirk Eichler - TRON-Net.de,
No. of Definitions: 458 ]
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English slang Italian Dictionary V.0.90a
Dizionario slang della lingua inglese, utilissimo per i fansubber italiani. Dedicato a Bia, Misa, Eli chan, anneyuu, e a tutti i ragazzi (e ragazze) del progetto drama italian cafè
[ Glossary Builder: Goketsu san,
No. of Definitions: 391 ]
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Amateur Radio Glossary
A comprehensive guide to Amateur Radio jargon, abbreviations, and terminology.
[ Glossary Builder: Rodney R. Dinkins,
No. of Definitions: 361 ]
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VFA-13 Aviation Glossary
Comprehensive glossary of aviation and aeronautical terms, including air combat terminology, definitions of personnel and flight maneuver, communication terms and phrases, and the International Radio Alphabet.
[ Glossary Builder: George Pytlik,
No. of Definitions: 361 ]
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Low Life Glossary
A collection of historical terms used by criminals and prisoners.
[ Glossary Builder: Joel GAzis-SAx,
No. of Definitions: 266 ]
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Queen's English - American English Glossary
Think you speak English? Then what do they speak? Explore the differences the last few hundred years have brought to our shared langauage here.
[ Glossary Builder: Steve Stone,
No. of Definitions: 236 ]
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