Slang & Jargon Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 49.


Diccionario Inglés-Español (v.80) complementario de Babylon, con frases y palabras compuestas provenientes de muchos y variados campos: general, arquitectura, botánica, jardinería, filosofía, religión, argot, etnología, mitología, ecología, biología, matemáticas, yoga, tai qi, autoayuda, anatomía, fisiología, medicina, oftalmología, medio ambiente, ictiología, zoología, entomología, náutica, economía, música, orografía, geografía, montañismo, alimentación, textil, mecánica... More...
[ Glossary Builder: Miguel Portillo, No. of Definitions: 32,525 ]
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Lunfardo (Argentina)

Repertorio de voces y modismos populares de Buenos Aires; en los comienzos, de carácter inmigratorio, que al circular en los estratos bajos de la sociedad se enriqueció con aportes autóctonos y algunos de cuyos elementos se incorporaron al habla común de la ciudad de origen y su zona de influencia cultural. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Salvador Maiorano, No. of Definitions: 14,301 ]
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English-Russian idioms, expressions, meaningful prepositions, postpositions etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: NB, No. of Definitions: 9,390 ]
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Australian Slang

Explanation in English of some specific Australian words and expressions. More...
[ Glossary Builder: N.B., No. of Definitions: 9,142 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: FEHMI DOGAN, No. of Definitions: 8,153 ]
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Te Reo

Maori-English and English-Maori Bi-directional Dictionary More...
[ Glossary Builder: Bill, No. of Definitions: 7,426 ]
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English Idioms WM 1.3a

Wayne Magnuson English Idioms, Sayings and Slang Version: 1.3a (In this version of the glossary, internal links have been fixed, typos have been corrected, definitions have been revised and simplified, and alternate forms of the entries have been included in.) More...
[ Glossary Builder: The Ladybug Team, No. of Definitions: 6,661 ]
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maritime,shipping,international trade,nautical definitions&abbreviations More...
[ Glossary Builder: fehmi dogan, No. of Definitions: 6,482 ]
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DicFrases es más que un glosario, es todo un asistente ESPAÑOL -> INGLÉS ->ESPAÑOL. Miles de frases traducidas accesadas por decenas de miles de palabras claves, con notas y algo de gramática, convierten a DicFrases en el asistente indispensable. Además el único glosario con menús que nos permiten consultar por tema, ¡Es increíble! More...
[ Glossary Builder: Juan Fájer Cruz, No. of Definitions: 3,731 ]
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Technical English by wpv

Compilation of a lot of important technical words, that you don´t usually find in generic dictionary. Mainly for Mechanical and Electrical Eng. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Walter Perez, No. of Definitions: 2,929 ]
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English Slang Dictionary v1.2

This is the best slang dictionary with more than 2500 widely used words in it. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Aytuð Seyrek, No. of Definitions: 2,848 ]
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Diccionario de Lunfardo

Diccionario de términos lunfardos. - Con la contribución de Adrián Ruiz More...
[ Glossary Builder: Alejandro Argañaraz, No. of Definitions: 2,702 ]
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Subsidiary English-Russian Dictionary

Contains some words and phrases that aren't included in other Babylon dictionaries. Besides, it contains lots of abbreviations. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Natalya Belinsky, No. of Definitions: 1,879 ]
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Everyday Yiddish-English-Yiddish Glossary

To start from scratch. In memory of my Zayde und Bobe, Shlomo and Sheina Mezhibovsky. The glossary sources are,,,,,,, etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: NB, No. of Definitions: 1,758 ]
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The Phrase Finder

1000 English sayings, phrases and idioms at your fingertips. Whether you want to resolve a friendly argument over how a saying or phrase originated or whether you just enjoy words, you'll probably find something here to interest you. More...
[ Glossary Builder:, No. of Definitions: 1,002 ]
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Brazilian Slang and Expression

Dictionary of Brazilian slangs and expressions, including cultural and historic information. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Jessica Krünig, No. of Definitions: 980 ]
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rhyming slang

cockney rhyming slang [slang to english] More...
[ Glossary Builder: marc, No. of Definitions: 833 ]
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Idiomi e Proverbi - English Italian

Un piccolo elenco di frasi idiomatiche, modi di dire e proverbi. Dall'Inglese all'Italiano. - Here a little glossary of English idioms and proverbs. From English to Italian. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Renato Jemma, No. of Definitions: 776 ]
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Glosario de Nicaraguanismos

Un glosario siempre en construcción de términos propios del habla nicaragüense. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nicas en Internet, No. of Definitions: 727 ]
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London Slang

Glossary containing terms related to London slang. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rob, No. of Definitions: 642 ]
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Everyday English and Slang in Ireland

A comprehensive dictionary of contemporary Irish Slang More...
[ Glossary Builder: Gerry Coughlan, No. of Definitions: 542 ]
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Lexicon of Thieves' Cant

from: Based on the "Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit and Pickpocket Eloquence." Printed for C. Chappel of Pall-Mall, London in 1811, and based on the dictionary compiled by Captain Grose in 1785. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Shaun Hately, No. of Definitions: 531 ]
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European Commission Glossary of Justice and home affairs

This Glossary contains legal words, phrases and acronyms More...
[ Glossary Builder: EUROPA - European Commission, No. of Definitions: 516 ]
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Chinese idioms explained in English

This is a quick and very flexible cross-reference to Chinese Idioms. Search English words, and find Chinese idioms that match your specified word in topic, wording, meaning or use. Chinese characters are shown in GB-code an Chinese pronunciation is specified according to Mandarin Pinyin. Translations and use are specified in English. For more information: look up the word "chengyu" in this glossary! This glossary works best with Babylon Pro version 4.0 or newer. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Patrick Hassel-Zein, No. of Definitions: 510 ]
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Sprache aus dem Münsterland. Eine Mischung aus Jiddisch und Rotwelsch. Um 1900 die Sprache der Pferdehändler. Zusammen getragen und zur freien Verwendung. Mehr Infos unter More...
[ Glossary Builder: Dirk Eichler -, No. of Definitions: 458 ]
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English slang Italian Dictionary V.0.90a

Dizionario slang della lingua inglese, utilissimo per i fansubber italiani. Dedicato a Bia, Misa, Eli chan, anneyuu, e a tutti i ragazzi (e ragazze) del progetto drama italian cafè More...
[ Glossary Builder: Goketsu san, No. of Definitions: 391 ]
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Amateur Radio Glossary

A comprehensive guide to Amateur Radio jargon, abbreviations, and terminology. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rodney R. Dinkins, No. of Definitions: 361 ]
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VFA-13 Aviation Glossary

Comprehensive glossary of aviation and aeronautical terms, including air combat terminology, definitions of personnel and flight maneuver, communication terms and phrases, and the International Radio Alphabet. More...
[ Glossary Builder: George Pytlik, No. of Definitions: 361 ]
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Low Life Glossary

A collection of historical terms used by criminals and prisoners. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Joel GAzis-SAx, No. of Definitions: 266 ]
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Queen's English - American English Glossary

Think you speak English? Then what do they speak? Explore the differences the last few hundred years have brought to our shared langauage here. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Steve Stone, No. of Definitions: 236 ]
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